Episode 2

Set Your Eyes on The Prize 40 Day Way Day 2

Published on: 3rd March, 2022

You Really Can Change Your Life in Forty Days!

Dr. Brad Miller teaches the Forty Day Way to Create Your Promised Life of Peace, Prosperity, and Purpose.

Each of the 40 Daily Episodes will include a story to make you think, a couple of points to ponder (many from a biblical perspective) followed by action steps you can take to create your promised life.

At the conclusion of the Forty Day Way, you will have the tools on hand to create your personal Promised Life Plan (PLP) which will be your personal guide to life transformation.

Dr. Brad Miller holds a doctoral degree in transformational leadership and has 40 years of experience as a Christian pastor.

He blogs and publishes the Beyond Adversity Podcast at www.DrBradMiller.com

Dr. Brad Miller really does believe you can change your life in forty days.

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Set your eyes on the prize. I good people, Dr.

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Brad Miller here with you on the 40 day weigh in, I believe that

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you really can change your life in 40 days, this is day two of

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our 40 Day way. This is 40 life lessons based on life, have some

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stories to share in your life, some principles, some points to

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ponder and perspective and a couple of questions, a couple of

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action points for you to take. They're going to help you to

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eventually create your promise life plan. They help you move

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from wherever you're at right now, to go promise life a peace,

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prosperity, and purpose. Eyes on the prize. I can't help but

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think right now about what's going on in Ukraine with

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President Zelensky. And all the situation there in that part of

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the world where the Russians are attacking it just a horrible,

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horrible scene. But I'm so inspired by President Zelensky.

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And the people of Ukraine who have resolutely set their eyes

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on their prize, which is going to be freedom, and in their

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world and not to be oppressed by by Putin. And then impressive,

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it is to me, I also can't help but think about my own

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experiences in Russia. I've been to Russia on a couple of

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occasions. One of those times was in 1990. This is prior to

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the fall of communism. So this is kind of this is when it was

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the Soviet Union. And what I want to share with you was my

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own eyes on the prize moment, I was with a group of I was adult

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leader, a pastor leading a group of young people from all around

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teenagers, high school students from around the Midwest, to go

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to visit with schools and churches in Russia Soviet Union.

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On a mission is called bridges of peace. And we among the

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things we did, and this was the communist era, then was to take

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Bibles with us, you're allowed to take one Bible, but we chose

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to basically smuggle in our luggage. Hundreds of Bibles, the

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30 of us probably had 500 Bibles, which between us, many

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of them Russian language to share. It was illegal at the

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time. We knew going into this was a group of teenagers and

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adult leaders, five or six adult leaders we knew going in on the

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train from Finland to Russia, that we could be stopped and

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turned back. And one of the scariest and most intense

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moments of my life was being on the train station at the border

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between Finland and Soviet Union, Russia, where the Russian

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military guards got onto the train we were at. And with a

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click off rivals and everything and military garb, and they just

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like you're seeing in the news right right now. And they came

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into the train, we heard the higher doors clanging back and

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forth of this train that we were on. It was like a Doctor

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Zhivago. Everybody. Some of you remember that movie, Snow was

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flying. And it was weird. It was eerie. It was scary. And to see

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the soldiers come in to our compartments, and I was a

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problem with three teenage boys, just a small compartment. And

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they came in and they didn't eat, they did search all of our

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luggage. And we all had the Bibles are right there. But we

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were overlooked. We're led to go on. And here's the thing. We

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made a decision as a group, before we even left on the

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airplane to go to Russia, that we were going to follow through

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with this clearing Bibles in the Russia no matter what we

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resolved, we were going to do it no matter what the consequences.

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I was so proud of those young people. Everybody was there. And

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because we did it, didn't we? I share it on another occasion

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what happened when we're able to distribute some of those Bibles

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to people. That was my little story about some good things

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that happened even amidst some persecution, because there was a

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threat right there. And I can't tell you how impressed I am by

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the people of Ukraine, standing up to the threat, literally the

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bombs fall on their heads of Putin truly supported. Why?

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Because they have complete resolution to carry through in

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your life. You have to set your eyes on your prize. We talked

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yesterday in our first day about

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having a haven't been just kind of frustrated with our present

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state and needing to move on. But now you got to get on with

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it. You got to take the first steps and you got to go on

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towards what the prize is in your life with that promised

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life of peace, prosperity and peace Purpose, you can do it. I

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know you can. But you got to be motivated, you got to make it a

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gut wrenching thing. You got to get serious about it. So I'm

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that's my points to ponder is to get serious and get going and

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make it such a powerful emotional deal with you that you

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can't do anything else in the Bible that were the seeds we

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call lint, which run right now, among the things it's about the

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journey on to Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. And there's

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a story that says when Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, it says

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that he was persecuted. And there is other people who were

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rumors that people want to rescue him and things like this.

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But he says there it's in Luke 956. Jesus says, even though

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that he knew the time was near for him to be go to heaven, to

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be killed, to die, and to go to heaven. He says, it says that he

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resolutely set his eye towards Jerusalem. He resolutely did. He

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was resolute in that, which means he was determined he was

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going to do it no matter what. So my encouragement to you

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today, and the point to ponder is that you got to have no

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matter what attitude we're going to get this done no matter what,

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whatever your life change thing is, losing weight, getting your

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emotional life together, get your marriage together, and

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getting off of drugs or alcohol, getting your spiritual act

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together, whatever it is, maybe it's a relationship, deal,

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financial, there's all kinds of stuff going on health, all kinds

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of things, maybe you got people maybe you're involved with for

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birth, and the sense of, you know, people in Ukraine,

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whatever it is, hey, but you got to be resolved to get after it.

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Don't you think people right now and the whole world order coming

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together and resolving to help Ukraine, because they've seen

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the threat, they've seen the persecution, I just want to

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encourage you to do that for yourself to get serious. And to

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do these two things. Remember to get out your journal, write down

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a couple of things. These are your action points today. Here's

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the thing I want you to write down. What is breaking your

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heart right now? What is truly breaking your heart, I mean,

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breaking your heart to the point of emotional pain, because

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that's what's going to take it's going to take some emotional

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pain in order for you to be resolute to move forward. And

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then and that then the second part of this is, what are you so

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connected to what are you so involved with, you're willing to

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sacrifice for it? By sacrifice, I mean, even you know, to die

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for that. I mean, to just do your do whatever it takes and

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write it down? What breaks your heart? And what were you going

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to do no matter what, because you have to ramp up those type

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of things, you have to ramp up that feeling that gut level

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stuff to get serious in your life to have true change to take

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place. Especially if you're going to do it on a 40 day

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timeframe. That's what this is all about about ramping up

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everything in our life, expanding it magnified. And in

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order for profound life change to take place. You can do it. I

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know you can. This whole podcast, his whole thing I'm

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sharing here today is, is about how to transform in just 40 days

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to get you on track. And by the time we're done, you're going to

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have a document in hand. It's called a promise life plan.

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That's going to help you then to work this out. So I invite you

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to do that. My name is Dr. Brad Miller. You can find me my

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podcast beyond adversity at Dr. Brad Miller calm. And we will be

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here with you daily on the 40 day away. Podcast and teaching

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to help you to make incremental changes towards achieving your

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promise life of peace, prosperity, and purpose. And I

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know that you can do it. Dr. Brad Miller, God bless you. God

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loves you. Keep going, keep going and keep your eyes on the

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prize. So until next time, my good friends. Remember to always

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About the Podcast

Forty Day Way
Change Your Life in Just Forty Days
You really can change your life in forty days. Dr. Brad Miller teaches forty lessons based on great transformational thinkers and biblical themes to guide folks through a process to overcome adversity and achieve peace, prosperity, and purpose. You really can change your life in forty days.

About your host

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Dr. Brad Miller

I have 40 years of experience in Christian ministry and hold a Doctoral degree in life transformation strategic planning. I am the publisher of the Cancer and Comedy Podcast: Helping Cancer Impacted People to Heal with Hope and Humor. I also publish the Daily Bible Refresh